Jacqueline Hurst, the UK’s leading life coach will join us to talk about her best selling book “How to Do You” . The book and Jacqueline’s work helps people to overcome the deep-seated limiting beliefs that hold them back from being the person they want to be; As Jacqueline says “I help people to step out of emotional childhood and brings them into emotional adulthood, living the life they truly desire and deserve. I teach people how to stop blaming anyone else for how they feel and instead how to step into a strong, powerful, unshakeable mindset.”
During this event we will hone in on a couple of very powerful chapters from the book including “How to Stop Procrastinating” and “How to Change Unhealthy Habits” with practical steps and worksheets to help work through emotional blockages and make fundamental changes. This event will be interactive so bring along a pen and paper to make notes and answer some questions on the worksheet. We will be breaking out into groups for discussion on the worksheet questions and then reconvening to ask Jacqueline questions.
If you would like to purchase Jacqueline’s book before the event it is available on amazon and other book stores.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-CppzgiGNVrz5qdEDwcfcfGXdsjl2Dy
Passcode: 184496
Meeting ID: 831 8919 3821
JacqueLine Hurst
Raised thought-provoking questions around procrastination and unhealthy habits. And provided a reminder to be kind to yourself. “The kinder we are, the more we get done.” Lots if good advice to keep life moving along positively.
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